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Disney Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Framed Picture

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Disney Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Framed Picture
Disney Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Framed Picture
Disney Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Framed Picture
Disney Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Framed Picture
Disney Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Framed Picture

Disney Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Framed Picture
Celebrate Mickey Mouse’s birthday (1942) in style with this beautiful framed picture featuring the beloved Disney character. The intricate design showcases Mickey Mouse in various poses and is sure to bring a smile to any Disney fan’s face. The high-quality frame complements the art perfectly and adds a touch of elegance to any room. Crafted with care, this collectable frame belongs in any Disneyana collection. The piece is perfect for contemporary homes and is a must-have for fans of all ages. The frame is durable and built to last, making it a great investment for anyone looking to add some Disney magic to their home decor. This piece of history will fit in any home and will please any person collecting Disney items. It is part of a limited edition – edition size : 5000.
Disney Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Framed Picture

Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST

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Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST
Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST
Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST
Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST
Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST
Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST
Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST

Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST
Kundendienst – Wir sind für Sie da – KONTAKT. Sie erreichen unser Team Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 – 17.00 Uhr. Kaufabwicklung Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf bei EMK. Sofern eine Lieferung außerhalb Deutschlands erfolgen soll, fordern Sie bitte während des Zahlvorgangs eine kombinierte Rechnung an. Die Versandkosten werden durch uns entsprechend angepasst. Bei Schwierigkeiten und / oder Fragen hierzu kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. Versand Wir arbeiten nur mit seriösen und vertrauenswürdigen Logistikunternehmen zusammen. Diese liefern Ihre Bestellung dann schnell und vor allem sicher an die von Ihnen angegebene Lieferadresse aus. Bei Inlandssendungen über 1.000,00 Euro Warenwert kontaktieren wir Sie vor Versand um Liefertermine abzustimmen. Differenzbesteuert nach §25 a UStG Die MwSt kann in diesem Fall nicht ausgewiesen werden. DisneyT – Mickey MouseT – 90. Offiziell von DisneyT lizensiert. Limitierte Auflage 50.000 Exemplare. In original Box mit Echtheits-Zertifikat. Illustrierte Verpackung im Geburtstags-Design. Diese Münznote aus fünf Gramm Silber ist dem 90. Geburtstag von Micky MausT gewidmet. Auf der Silber-Münznote sind mehrere farbige Abbildungen von Micky Maus von 1928 bis heute abgebildet. Die Comic-Figur wurde im Jahr 1928 von Walt Disney geschaffen und zählt seitdem zu den bekanntesten und beliebtesten Zeichentrick-Figuren überhaupt. Das Design enthält die einzigartige Produktionsnummer und die Aufschriften “90 YEARS OF MAGIC”, sowie “MICKEY – THE TRUE ORIGINAL”. Die Wertseite zeigt das Porträt von Königin Elisabeth II. Und die Inschriften “ONE DOLLAR”, “ELIZABETH II”, “5g Ag 999″, “2018” und “NIUE”. Die Sonderausgabe wird inklusive Zertifikat in einer thematisch passend illustrierten Verpackung geliefert. Das schöne Sammlerstück aus 99,9% Silber ist ein ideales Geschenk für jeden DisneyT-Fan. DisneyT – Mickey MouseT – 90th Anniversary. Special Edition to the 90th Anniversary. Officially licensed by DisneyT. Limited Mintage 50,000 pieces. With unique Production Number. In original Box with Certificate of Authenticity. Packaging in Anniversary Design. This five gram silver coin note is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Mickey MouseT. The silver coin note features various images of Mickey through the ages from 1928 to today. Created by Walt Disney in 1928, the cartoon character has become one of the most famous and popular cartoon characters. The design includes the unique production number and the inscriptions’90 YEARS OF MAGIC’, as well as’MICKEY – THE TRUE ORIGINAL’. The obverse shows the Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and the inscriptions’ONE DOLLAR’,’ELIZABETH II’,’5g Ag 999′,’2018′ and’NIUE’. The special edition will be delivered with a certificate in a thematically illustrated packaging. The affordable collectible made of 99,9% silver is an ideal gift for any DisneyT fan. TECHNISCHE DATEN / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. 70,00 x 150,00 mm Ø. In original Box mit Zertifikat. » Wenn Münzen – dann EMK. Weil Vertrauen die stärkste “Währung” ist! « Seit über 25 Jahren sind wir verlässlicher Partner für Sammler, Anleger und den weltweiten Großhandel. Als offizieller Distributor zahlreicher internationaler Prägestätten liefern wir alle aktuellen Münz-Neuheiten. Unser Angebot umfasst Sammlermünzen und Anlagemünzen in allen Edelmetallen, ob Gold, Silber oder Platin zur Wertanlage. Des Weiteren bieten wir dem interessierten Münzsammler alle derzeit im Trend liegenden Münzserien aus aller Welt und die neuesten Euromünzen an.
Silver Coin Note Mickey MouseT DisneyT 90th Birthday 2018 Niue 5 gr ST

Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine

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Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine

Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine
Welcome at Precious Collectibles. We have only one in stock of this vintage Mickey Mouse collectible. Add this extremely rare collectible to your collection or use it as a unique, vintage piece for indoor decoration. A incredible eye catcher in every room. This collectible is about 13 cm high by 8 cm wide and 8 cm deep. The collectible is in excellent condition. Comes in original box. Made by Westland Giftware in license of Walt Disney. We are here for you. Here you can find even more antique, vintage and modern collectibles. Precious Collectibles is located in Arnhem in the Netherlands. We are registrated with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. All our collectibles are antique, vintage or modern. All these collectibles range from rare to extremely rare. We only sell collectibles of the highest possible quality. No vague concepts or other”confusing” sales techniques with us. Using standard product descriptions and high-quality photos of the products actually for sale, you know exactly where you stand with us. And if there is an unexpected problem, we will always solve it together with you. It’s not for nothing that customers rate us on average with????? And keep returning to us.
Extremely rare! Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Happy Birtday figurine

Lenox’Happy Birthday Mickey Votive’ 75th Anniversary of Mickey Mouse

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Lenox'Happy Birthday Mickey Votive' 75th Anniversary of Mickey Mouse
Lenox'Happy Birthday Mickey Votive' 75th Anniversary of Mickey Mouse
Lenox'Happy Birthday Mickey Votive' 75th Anniversary of Mickey Mouse
Lenox'Happy Birthday Mickey Votive' 75th Anniversary of Mickey Mouse

Lenox'Happy Birthday Mickey Votive' 75th Anniversary of Mickey Mouse
Celebrate Mickey Mouse’s 75th anniversary with this stunning Lenox votive from the Disney Sculptural Classic Characters Collection. Crafted with exceptional attention to detail, this figurine captures the essence of the beloved Disney character and will make a wonderful addition to any Disneyana collection. Featuring a contemporary design and immaculate craftsmanship, this votive is perfect for enhancing the ambiance of any room or event. Whether you’re a Disney fan or a collector of fine figurines, this Mickey Mouse votive is a must-have piece. Don’t miss your chance to own a piece of Disney history. This beautiful votive is handcrafted of ivory fine china, accented with 24 Karat Gold. Comes complete with the original certificate of authenticity. Item was received as a gift over 2 decades ago, and has spent much of this time in storage. Seeking a new home for it in order to make space and pay for home improvements.
Lenox'Happy Birthday Mickey Votive' 75th Anniversary of Mickey Mouse

Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney’s 100th birthday Mickey Mouse

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Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse

Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney’s 100th birthday Mickey Mouse. I opened it once and this time to take pictures. I’ve kept it in the box for a long time. It is old, but I don’t think there is much damage. It is in almost new condition, but it is old. Please consider that it was once in someone else’s hands. Please check the photos. This Mickey Mouse plush toy was produced by the German company Herman, famous for its teddy bears, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Walt Disney’s birth. Limited edition of 2001, made in 2001. If you have any concern, please feel free to ask me. If it sells first, it may run out of stock. Thank you for your understanding.
Hermann Teddy Mickey Mouse Doll Walt Disney's 100th birthday Mickey Mouse